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Digital footprint: “It is also time to understand that taking action does not require so much effort”

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Reducing our digital footprint is one of today's great challenges. If awareness is accelerating, France is still lagging behind. Whether at home or in the workplace, it's up to everyone to act… and to be informed. Explanation and decryption of the issues.

Coming into force in January 2022, the so-called REEN law aims to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology. It marks a first step towards raising awareness among young people and training engineers in eco-design. Its merit is also to be the first law which makes the link, in its title, between digital technology and its impact on the environment. But if the dynamics of a virtuous digital are becoming clearer, both in companies and on an individual scale, the collective awareness that would lead to a questioning of our uses to achieve the famous "digital sobriety" defended by experts still seems far away. Before turning off our computers for the big summer break, let's take a look back at the main notions of the digital footprint and the real challenges of Green IT.

“It will soon no longer be possible to manufacture computers”

The environmental impact of digital technology is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. For Frédéric Bordage, founder of the collective of independent engineers Green IT, the data remains insufficient. The carbon footprint is far from the only source of impact. And the specialist cites the results of a study by Ademe / Arcep published last January in order to meet the need for a more complete assessment. Because contrary to popular belief, long before the addition of attachments to our emails and the " binge watching », the first cause of the negative impact of digital technology on the environment is directly linked to the manufacture of smartphones, computers, screens and other connected objects.

According to this recent study, there would be about fifteen major environmental crises related to the impact of digital. In the first line, the depletion of abiotic resources. " A computer is made using fifty different metals, to which minerals such as silicon must be added for the construction of microprocessors, petroleum for the shell, etc. These resources are in finite quantities on earth and it is estimated today that there are about thirty years left before the exhaustion of accessible stocks… It will soon no longer be possible to manufacture computers. Whether this satisfies us or not, the organization of our societies, health, communication and transport depend directly on digital technology. The risk that threatens, if we do not anticipate the disappearance of these resources within one or two generations, is a brutal change of civilization », explains Frédéric Bordage.
The study also points to ionizing radiation (ie related to the consumption of electricity from nuclear power) and greenhouse gas emissions, cited in third place. Which calls for another figure, "the only one to remember", suggests the expert: " digital represents 40% of a European's sustainable greenhouse gas emissions budget ».

In France, an 18-year-old adult has already owned an average of five mobile phones

Growing in maturity and moving to a reasoned use of digital, it starts by stopping ignoring the situation. " It is also time to understand that taking action does not require so much effort “, insists the specialist for whom the key would be to stop the renewal at all costs of terminals, mobile phones, computers, screens, etc. In France, an 18-year-old adult has already owned an average of five mobile phones. Finally, according to Frédéric Bordage, there are on average 15 devices connected per person in France, compared to four on average worldwide. Avoiding over-equipment and favoring repair and reuse by buying reconditioned equipment as a priority are the fundamental reflexes to be aware of. " Since what counts is the total lifespan of the equipment. We are far from the injunctions of punitive ecology! “, he continues before listing the other actions to adopt. " Ensure that equipment that no longer works is sent to approved collection points in order to be decontaminated if not recycled, and, finally, to avoid misuse, i.e. no longer listen to music on YouTube in 4G, by unnecessarily downloading gigas of images, but splitting a Spotify subscription ».

Company-wide, maturity in the face of these new challenges manifests itself at two levels. "IFirst of all, there are companies that are taking steps to reduce the environmental, economic and social impacts associated with their IT. And those who have understood that digital sobriety could be a factor of competitiveness. This second profile is typically that of the start-up that knows how to combine low-tech and high-tech, by creating, for example, a super weather calculator for farmers in African countries, and communicating the forecasts to them using chalk. and blackboards since 30% of these farmers cannot read and do not have laptops. The world of tomorrow will have to be like this, hybrid ».

The challenge for brands: not triggering device obsolescence

What challenges by sector? In that of the fashion, reducing a brand's digital footprint primarily involves reducing the impact of the merchant site. " This is easily done thanks to small improvements… Like limiting the quantity of items that will be displayed, compressing the images… The main challenge is not to trigger the obsolescence of the terminal of the user who wants to buy online . It is quite possible just by applying the first level of web eco-design », advises the Green IT expert.

In the gaming industry, the issue is expressed in terms of the quality of the screens. " If the creator of the video game imposes a very high definition of images, the player whose screen is not compatible will inevitably have to change terminal. On this point the spirit of the Wii is quite inspiring, this family console with phenomenal success despite a poor quality screen... A logic that also works for live shows or museums which are increasingly offering plus virtual exhibition tours ". what about VOD, the production of TV series: “ The environmental impact of one hour of streaming is 90% linked to the manufacture of television. Once again we come back to the same logic. The challenge is first of all not to trigger the obsolescence of this screen “, he concludes. And to ultimately ensure the viewer a quality experience that does not require the use of very advanced technology.

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