Visual Arts & Art de Vivre
Architecture & design, decoration & furnishings, visual arts, gourmet food and culinary design, cultural & living heritage
Culture & Heritage, Art of entertaining, Gastronomy, Furniture & Decoration, Architecture & Design… La French Touch's many emblematic domains, making up an ecosystem that's unique in the world, that of the "French Art de vivre". Embodied by recognised brands, inspiring designers, and innovative talents, their common DNA is rooted in strong traditional and creative know-how. All of these fields each represent an aspect of the French cultural exception, whose creations are exported, and make France shine throughout the world.
Unequally impacted by the consequences of the health crisis, and competing head-on with increasingly strong foreign competition, this diaspora of creative sectors is unanimously driven by powerful modernity dynamics, through their digital transformation, strong internationalisation stakes, reindustrialisation, as well as the integration of CSR issues to meet new consumer expectations.
Key figures
Visual arts
France maintains its 4th position in the world on the market of works of art with 7% of sales share. In 2023, the French market of visual arts shows a turnover of €11,6 billion, an increase of +42% compared to 2019. -
Decoration & furnishing
The French decoration market is estimated at €26 billion, including €13 billion in the furniture segment and €13 billion in interior decoration. -
Culture & heritage
More than 1200 museums in France. 28,5 million visitors to national museums and exhibition venues under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture in 2022. -
Architecture & design
In 2023, the French Architecture market will post a turnover of €7,3 billion, an increase of +14% compared to 2019.
Industry trends
Visual arts
If the emotion provoked by a work of art proves to be timeless, trends and uses evolve around:
- The quest for meaning and values: eco-responsibility, storytelling with the artist at the center, reinforced by social networks
- Hybridization of formats: new distribution channels beyond galleries (hotels, specialized locations), strong influence of new technologies: virtual reality, 3D printing, NFT, AI and the development of generative art
- Issues of democratization of access to works, of co-creation between artists and the public and of international influence -
Decoration & furnishing
- Consumers looking for sustainability, circularity (second-hand, rental) and personalization.
- A requirement for innovation across the entire value chain: industry 4.0, logistical flexibility, product R&D (notably CSR), augmented reality.
- A distribution network that is becoming hybrid, between digital sales channels and physical points of sale that are transformed into experiential places.
- Numerous challenges of international influence, transformation of manufacturing processes towards more local, secure and responsive production, and perpetuation of French excellence (training, transfer of businesses, consolidation of know-how).
- A challenge of exporting the design approach to all industrial sectors. -
Culture and heritage
- New tools enrich mediation and the in-situ visitor experience: artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, 360° videos, as well as new formats of digital native museum experience: virtual museums, digitized collections. This is in addition to an improvement in the operational performance of cultural venues thanks to data and digital technology.
- Numerous challenges of international influence, democratization of access to culture, collaboration (between cultural places, with innovative startups, with other industries such as video games or brands), diversification of sources of income (cultural retail, crypto-art, NFT, metaverse), CSR. -
French gastronomy is reinventing itself through an ultra-dynamic FoodTech sector, driven by the challenges of “eating better” around organic, local and more responsible food.